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YBR Dance Rates




First Class free for website subscribers

please see contact page!






Class Prices - Paid per term


If you are suffering financial hardship due to COVID 19 crisis!

Please contact us to workout a case by case arrangement - we don't want any kids to miss out and are prepared to organise a pay later system or discount where we can.



Term Rates


1 x Class per week  - $185 per term

2 x Classes per  - $325.00 per term

3 x Class per week - $425 per term

4 x Class per week  - $500 per term

5 x Classes per week  - $600 per term

6  x Classes per week - $690 per term

7 or more classes per week at ($9.95 per class) 



Latin Dance & Fitness Class

$20 Per Class

$35 for 3 x Classes per week. + $10 per additional Family Member


Dance Studio Casual Hire

$35.00 per hour 

$60 for 2 hours

$25 per hour for YBR Students who wish to train in studio


Regular Hire

$15 per hour for regular 20 hours per week ($300 per week)

$16.90 per hour for 8 hours per week ($135 per week)





Pick up service rates

$35 per pick up

Includes care, homework club until your child's class starts

Additional charges - $15 per hour block exceeding your child's class times.

(This extra fee is required to ensure we can ask a teacher to supervise your child if you are unable to pick your child up on time)





















MANAGEMENT | Karina Hannan
0416 239 875
18a Enmore Road Newtown
Opposite opporto and above Saray


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